woman doing barbell squats

The Best Legs and Shoulder Workout to Try Today

Training legs and shoulders together are uncanny, but you can train more effectively by targeting both muscle groups together.
renegade row dumbbell

The 10 Best Dumbbell Lat Exercises to Build Your Back

When you think of lat exercises, you probably think about deadlifts, pushdowns, or lat pull-downs. But, did you know you can use dumbbells to effectively train this muscle area?
kettlebell tricep workout

10 Kettlebell Exercises to Build Stronger Triceps + Workout

Kettlebells are the Swiss army knife for building different muscle groups. Today, we’re going to look at ten kettlebell exercises you can utilize to strengthen your triceps.
dumbbell lunge quad exercise

The 10 Best Dumbbell Quad Exercises to Carve Your Legs

You probably don’t think about your quads much until you try to stand up after leg day.
leg exercise machine

8 Best Leg Machines at the Gym for Leg Day | Benefits & More

We all know you should never skip leg day, but with all the machines you can use to develop your lower body, it can be hard to figure out which leg workout machines to use. 
lower trap exercise overhead press

10 Lower Trap Exercises to Improve Posture & Stability

The lower trap muscles are often neglected in workout routines, but they play a crucial role in improving overall functional fitness. As we know, functional fitness is all about training your body to perform everyday activities with ease. Lower trap exercises can significantly improve your functional fitness by enhancing your ability to lift, carry, and move objects with proper form and technique. 
dumbbell pull exercise renegade row

8 Dumbbell Pull Exercises to Add To Your Workout Split

Believe it or not, dumbbells are one of the most versatile tools to use for your pull exercises. Aside from the traditional bicep curl, there are a number of exercises that can effectively build muscles around the back, shoulder, and arms. Today, we’ll show you the best dumbbell pull exercises to add to your workout. Let’s get started! 
chest press vs bench press

Chest Press vs. Bench Press: 15 Pros and Cons to Consider

Many people wonder what the difference between chest press and bench press is. Both exercises are great for building a strong chest, but they both have their pros and cons. Today, we’ll be comparing the bench press to the chest press.
trx inner chest press

10 Inner Chest Exercises to Sculpt Your Pecs

Building the inner chest can be one of the trickiest parts of training your upper body. This area of the muscle group requires more specific movements but if you know what you’re doing, you can build a set of sculptured pecs.