strength training at home

3 Full-Body Strength Training Workouts You Can Try at Home

Most of us want to exercise and stay healthy, but our busy schedules can make it hard to go to the gym. For that reason, we recommend incorporating strength training at home. We are excited to share three highly effective full-body workouts that you can easily work into your routine from the comfort of your own home.
Reading 3 Full-Body Strength Training Workouts You Can Try at Home 20 minutes

Most of us want to exercise and stay healthy, but our busy schedules can make it hard to go to the gym. For that reason, we recommend incorporating strength training at home. Want to find the perfect home workout for your fitness level? Take our quick assessment quiz to get a personalized training plan that fits your schedule. We are excited to share three highly effective full-body workouts that you can easily work into your routine from the comfort of your own home.


We’ll start with the benefits of strength training and exercising at home. Then, we’ll look at strength exercises you can do with your body, weights, resistance bands, and a TRX suspension trainer. Finally, we’ll show you three workouts you can do in your living room today. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

(If you just want the workouts, our programs are at the bottom of the post) 

Benefits of Strength Training

Strength training is a fundamental component of any well-rounded fitness regimen. This type of exercise has a myriad of benefits for individuals of all fitness levels. The best part is that you can do strength training with almost anything. Benefits include:

  • Enhanced muscular strength & endurance
  • Increased metabolism to burn fat easier & faster
  • Increased bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis
  • Improved joint stability & mobility
  • Healthier body composition (less body fat, more muscle)
  • Increased cognition & mood
  • Decreased depression & anxiety

Benefits of Working Out at Home

Time and convenience both play significant roles in the quality of your workout. Working out at home offers numerous advantages that make it an appealing option for fitness beginners & enthusiasts alike. Here are the most common benefits: 

  • Privacy and Comfort: For individuals who may feel self-conscious or intimidated in a public gym setting, exercising in a familiar environment allows you to focus solely on your fitness goals, without any external distractions or pressures.
  • Saves Time & Energy: With a well-planned home workout routine, you can avoid the time of traveling to & from the gym and healthy exercise seamlessly into your daily schedule.
  • Exercise & Equipment Flexibility: Whether you have a fully equipped home gym or just a few pieces of equipment in a small designated workout area, there is a vast array of exercises that can be performed using minimal equipment or even just your body weight.
  • Autonomy and Self-motivation. You have the freedom to pick your workouts, choose your favorite music, and create an environment that best suits your needs. This autonomy can help increase your overall enjoyment of exercise and foster long-term commitment to your fitness routine.

So, whether you're looking to save time, enjoy privacy, or have more flexibility and control over your workouts, exercising at home is a fantastic option that can deliver exceptional results. Combined with the benefits of strength training, you're on your way to achieving a stronger, fitter, and healthier you.

What You’ll Need for Your Strength Training Workout at Home

If you’re working at home, you’re going to need a gym and some strength training equipment. As for what you’ll need, here are the basics:

  • Space: You need space to fit your home gym. Find a place in your home where you can place a few pieces of equipment like dumbbells, kettlebells, a suspension trainer, and even a squat rack if you can.
  • Kettlebells & Dumbbells: if you have a pair of dumbbells, you can exercise your entire body. Make sure to keep a few of these stacked around the house at varying weights. If you want something that is more space-efficient, try the YBell–a kettlebell and dumbbell in one.
  • TRX Suspension Trainer: Since you don’t have the workout machines that you would normally find at the gym, you’ll be using your body weight to train. This makes TRX suspension trainers perfect for at-home workouts. The system of ropes and cable utilizes your body weight against gravity, making every exercise a challenging workout. 
  • Resistance Bands: Resistance bands are great for at-home workouts because you can target every muscle group with the same level of intensity that you would at the gym. When stretched, bands keep your muscles under tension for the entire exercise. This tension allows for more muscular endurance, which can increase your ability to do everyday activities. 
  • Squat Rack (Optional): You don’t need a squat rack for at-home workouts, but it will significantly expand the exercises you can do. Squat racks allow you to do the main compound exercises like squats, bench presses, barbell rows, and more. While not necessary, if you have the space, we recommend you look into getting one. 

 If you don’t have one yet, read our guide on how to build a home gym.

Bodyweight Strength Training Exercises

Now that we’ve looked at what you need for your strength training workouts at home, let’s take a look at some bodyweight exercises you can do today. 


Squats have been described as the king of lower body exercises for their ability to develop quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core all at once. As an exercise that works for several large muscle groups, it’s always great to include it in workouts to burn calories and strengthen the lower body. 

  1. Starting from a full standing position with straight hips, a tall torso, and feet slightly wider than your hips. 
  2. Keeping your back straight, hinge slightly at the hips and bend your knees to lower down until (ideally) the crease of your hips is at or below the knees. 
  3. Keep the hips open at the bottom and be careful not to let your knees buckle in toward each other. Knees should point the same direction as your toes. 
  4. Stand back up, straightening the knees and hips at the same time. 

Whether you're doing hamstring exercises at home or just trying to build your entire lower body, squats are critical piece to any leg-based exercise.

High Knees

High knees are a great way to work the core, hip flexors, and calves, as well as increase your metabolic capacity. You can do this with low or high impact, depending on your joints. 

Low Impact Version:

  1. Reach your arms overhead. 
  2. Bend your knee and lift it up to hip height, pulling your elbows down to your sides. 
  3. Reach your arms back up, as you step down 
  4. Bend the opposite knee up, pulling your elbows down to your sides. Repeat!

Higher Impact Version:

  1. Lift one knee up to hip height
  2. Jump straight down onto that leg, bringing the other knee up to hip height. 
  3. Repeat back and forth.


The plank provides uniquely beneficial core strength as it protects the spine by bracing to maintain stability in the trunk in a neutral spine position. You have multiple core muscles all around your spine and the plank works nearly every single one! It’s also safer than sit-ups and more effective than crunches. 

  1. Get on all 4s on the ground with a straight spine. 
  2. Shift forward so your shoulders are directly over your elbows or wrists.
  3. Your hips should be straight and you can stay on your knees for a beginner level. 
  4. For a harder level, straighten the legs completely. 
  5. Alignment: Your head, hips, and heels should be aligned. 


Push-ups are a great way to get a full body workout at home. They work your chest, arms, and core, while also being supported by your hips and lower body. They’re great because you can do them almost anywhere, with no equipment! 

  1. Start in the above plank position (either on your knees for a beginner option, or with straight legs for a more advanced) 
  2. Bend your elbows and lower the plank down toward the floor with the elbows about 45 degrees away from the sides of the body. 
  3. Keeping the core braced to maintain spine alignment, straighten the arms to push yourself back up to the start position. 

Note: In the beginning, you made work with a smaller range of motion. It’s better to start with a smaller range of motion with a more solid plank than to lower all the way down with a bent back and sagging hips, or with the hips still in the air. 


Lunges are great for working all the muscles of the lower body in a functional pattern. Because they’re a unilateral move - working one side of the body more than the other - they’re a great way to build strength & correct any asymmetries or imbalances. They’re great for anybody walking, running, sprinting, or jumping. 

There are many types of lunges, but we’ll show a Reverse Lunge, as it’s easier on the knees for most people: 

  1. Standing tall, with straight hips and knees. 
  2. Step back onto the ball of the rear foot and bend both knees
  3. The back knee should bend straight down to the floor as low as you can go (you want to look like you’re about to propose to somebody)
  4. Keeping the front heel on the ground, straighten both legs. 

Level Options: Beginners can keep the back foot in place and just work on bending and straightening the legs, keeping hips, knees, and ankles aligned. More advanced can step the back foot back up to the start position, and add weights. 

Free Weight Strength Training Exercises

Bodyweight strength training exercises are great for getting started but if you want to increase muscle size and strength, you’ll need to use weights. This is where the dumbbells and kettlebells come in. Here are some free weight strength training exercises you can do today. 

Related: 10 Back Exercises to Do at Home

Weighted Squats

Adding weight to your squats (once you’ve successfully done a comfortable bodyweight squat) is a great way to challenge the body and build strength & endurance in the muscles of the lower body. 

Hold the weights down at your sides or up near your shoulders for a harder option on the core/back: 

  1. Starting from a full standing position with straight hips, a tall torso, and feet slightly wider than your hips. 
  2. Keeping your back straight, hinge slightly at the hips and bend your knees to lower down until (ideally) the crease of your hips is at or below the knees. 
  3. Keep the hips open at the bottom and be careful not to let your knees buckle in toward each other. Knees should point in the same direction as your toes. 
  4. Stand back up, straightening the knees and hips at the same time. 

Russian Twists

Russian Twists add a rotational variation to your core work, thus hitting the internal and external obliques as well as the transverse abdominis (a deep core muscle). 

Please keep in mind that these should not be done if you have any spine/disc injuries. 

  1. Sit down and lean back, balancing the feet barely on the floor, or lifting them in the air. 
  2. With a tall spine, twist the torso to the right and left, trying to keep the legs as still as possible. 

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Dumbbell shoulder presses are one of the best at-home shoulder exercises you can do. The shoulder press is a great way to get overhead shoulder strength (something a lot of people are lacking) and work the deltoids, traps, and triceps. 

  1. Hold the weights up at shoulder height with the palms turned toward each other.
  2. Press the weights directly overhead, keeping the palms facing in, or turning them forward if that feels better. 
  3. Rotate the palms back in and point the elbows forward as you lower the weights back to the start position with control. 

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

There are many ways to work the triceps, but the Triceps Kickback is a great exercise to quickly and directly challenge the back of the shoulders and arms with a set of dumbbells.

  1. Hinging forward at the hips with a flat back, roll the shoulders back and down and lift the arms so the elbows are at your sides. 
  2. Keep the elbow at the same height, kick the arms straight back straightening the elbow joint. 
  3. Maintain the elbow height as you bend the arm back in. 

Bicep Curls

If you want to exercise your biceps at home, then you'll need bicep curls. We know bicep curls work your biceps (obviously) but they also work a couple of muscles around the inside of your elbow, the brachialis, and the brachioradialis.

  1. Stand up straight with the arms at the sides. 
  2. Turn the palm upward as you bend the elbows and pull the weights up toward your shoulders. 
  3. Slowly straighten the elbows to lower the weights back to your sides with control. 

TRX Strength Training Exercises

The versatility that suspension trainers offer is unmatched. You can train multiple muscle groups at once and it requires minimal setup. You can adjust the intensity of each exercise to your liking, making it perfect for all fitness levels. Here are some TRX strength training exercises you can do with your suspension trainer. 

TRX Alternating Balance Lunges

While Lunges are usually a lower body exercise working your glutes, hamstrings, and quads, the TRX version offers unique benefits by incorporating your arms and core muscles to balance you. The Balance Lunge creates a more challenging lunge option that forces one side to take on most of your weight at a time. 

  1. Standing Facing the anchor with the straps at mid-length and your elbows at your sides. 
  2. Bend both knees, dropping one knee back and down (like you were going to propose) toward the floor, but hovering just above the ground.
  3. The foot doesn’t touch the floor, but the arms extend slightly so the whole torso stays upright and shifts backward to stay over the hips like you’re balancing a book on your head.
  4. Push down through the front foot to stand back up, straightening the front knee and hip. Pull the elbows back into the sides of the body. 

TRX Chest Press

The beauty of the TRX Chest Press is its ability to work the chest, triceps, and core, as well as include several stability muscles around the shoulders, spine, and hips. 

  1. With straps long, stand facing away from the anchor with the hands at chest height, and arms slightly wider than the torso.
  2. Step back slightly to create an angle and keep the hips straight, like a standing plank. 
  3. Bend the elbows, lowering your body toward the hands. 
  4. Keeping the shoulders down, straighten the elbows to press your body back up to the start position. 

TRX Oblique Crunches

TRX Oblique Crunches work not only several core muscles but also the muscles in your arms and shoulders as you hold yourself up and stabilize the body with the feet suspended.

  1. With straps mid-calf length, put your toes in the foot cradles and come up into a plank position with the legs & hips straight, feet flexed (toes pulled toward you) and shoulders or elbows over the wrists. 
  2. Lift the hips and bend both knees to pull them toward your right elbow. 
  3. Straighten your legs back out toward the anchor point with control. 
  4. Repeat to the left, settling the plank position every time you come back to the center. 

TRX Hamstring Runner

The TRX Hamstring Runner is a great exercise that works the hamstrings, glutes, and low back. This is great for anybody that needs to strengthen the back side of their body to help with low back pain. You can also file it into the “harder than it looks” category. 

  1. With straps mid-calf length and heels in the foot cradles, lay on your back and lift the hips into the air. Knees can be slightly bent if you’ve got hyperextended knees. 
  2. Keeping the feet and knees parallel to each other, bend the knees and pull the heels toward the hips, stopping when the knees are over the hip bones. 
  3. Slowly straighten the legs back out toward the anchor point, and keep the torso still and the hips the same height. 

Tip: If you have pain in the back of the knees with this one, raise the straps about 3-5 inches higher! 

Resistance Band Strength Training Exercises

Resistance bands help build strength and muscle endurance by keeping your body under tension throughout the entire range of motion. Here are some great resistance band strength training exercises you can do at home. 

Hip Extensions

The muscles responsible for extending the hip (taking the leg backward) are your glutes and hamstrings and even your inner thighs (shoutout to the underappreciated adductor in this move). The stronger these muscles, the better your back usually feels! 

  1. With one end of the band (anchored around something strong and sturdy) around your ankle, press the entire leg backward driving your heel straight back and trying to keep your pelvis still. 
  2. Control the leg back into the start position and keep the toes pointing forward the whole time. 

Tip: Make sure the low back doesn’t bend/arch during the move. You should feel your booty/thigh if you’re doing it correctly!

Resistance Band Leg Press

The banded leg press is a great exercise for those needing to work their glutes, hamstrings, and quads, but want to take pressure off the knees. 

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, hip distance apart, and the band around the feet. 
  2. Straighten the knees to the legs and push straight out at a 45-degree angle or higher. 
  3. Slowly bend the knees back in toward your hips, similar to a squat, with control. 
  4. Keep the spine straight and neutral the entire time so your core muscles are stabilizing!

Resistance Band Squats

Resistance band squats provide more challenge than bodyweight squats, while still working your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and core. Your back and core will work a lot more to stay straight and neutral against the forward pull of the band. 

  1. Stand on the band with feet a little wider than hip distance apart and hold the other end of the band in front of you, up near your shoulders, or overhead for maximum challenge. 
  2. Follow the squat directions from above, bending the knees to drop the pelvis, and straightening back up to standing with a flat back the whole time.  

3 Strength Training Workouts to Do at Home

Now that we’ve covered the best exercises you can do with your equipment, let’s take a look at three strength training workouts you can do at home. 

Workout 1: Lower Body Strength

Here's a short strength circuit workout for the lower body utilizing the exercises described above: 

Equipment needed: TRX suspension trainer, weights (dumbbells or kettlebells), resistance band.

Duration: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, with a 15-second rest between exercises. Complete 3 rounds in total.

  1. TRX Hamstring Curls
  2. TRX Hip Presses
  3. Alternating TRX Balance Lunges
  4. Weighted Squats
  5. Alternating Side Lunges (weight optional)

Workout 2: Arms & Abs Endurance

You can push, pull, and plank your way to a stronger, leaner upper body and core with this short workout for the upper body and abs. 

Related: Upper Body Workouts at Home

Equipment needed: TRX Suspension Trainer, weights (dumbbells or kettlebells)


Beginners: 8-10 Reps of Each

Intermediate: 12-15 Reps of Each

Advanced: 20-30 Reps of Each

Perform each exercise for the desired number of reps, with a 20-30 second rest between exercises. Complete 3 rounds in total.

  1. TRX Chest Press
  2. TRX Low Row
  3. Plank
  4. DB Bicep Curl
  5. DB Triceps Kickback
  6. TRX Atomic Push-ups (1 TRX Push-up into a TRX Crunch)

Workout 3: Full Body HIIT

When you want to hit a little bit of everything, a full-body strength and high-intensity interval workout is best! 

Equipment needed: TRX Suspension Trainer, weights (dumbbells or kettlebells)

Duration: Complete each strength exercise for 45 seconds with 15 seconds of rest. Complete each high-intensity exercise for 30 seconds with 10 seconds of rest twice. 

Round 1: 

  1. Bodyweight Squats
  2. Push-ups
  3. Russian Twists
  4. High Knees (30:10 x 2)
  5. Rest 30-60 Seconds

Round 2: 

  1. Weighted Squats
  2. DB Bicep Curls
  3. Plank
  4. Burpees (30:10 x 2) 
  5. Rest 30-60 Seconds

Round 3: 

  1. Alternating TRX Crossing Balance Lunges
  2. DB Triceps Kickbacks
  3. TRX Hamstring Runner
  4. Squat Jumps (30:10 x 2)
  5. Rest 30-60 Seconds

Rest for 2-4 minutes and repeat two to three times, depending on desired intensity and time. 

For more workouts like the three we’ve shared above, sign up for the TRX Training Club and get live-at-home workouts with experienced trainers. You can do everything from cardio to yoga from the comfort of your living room. Get started for free today! 

Strength Training at Home Isn’t Hard

Life gets a little easier when you’re able to strength train at home. Remember, the goal is to build a consistent routine with exercises that you look forward to doing. So, whether you're looking to save time, enjoy privacy, or have more flexibility and control over your workouts, strength training at home is a fantastic and convenient option that can deliver exceptional results. Armed with a few short workouts to get you going and build your consistency, you're on your way to achieving a stronger, fitter, and healthier you.