TRX Resisted Rotation
For a stronger back, train your body in 3D and work the whole cylinder! The Resisted Rotation fires up your Lats and increases core activation that prepares your body to perform better in all exercises.
- SSW, Straps Mid-Length, Single Handle Mode
- Offset Stance, Inside leg forward hip width, Line up sternum on anchor, Engage core, Step towards anchor to load body more, Maintain active plank without tilt or rotation.
TRX Overhead Squat-Wall Slide
The OH Squat may be part of your current leg workout, but we’re turning on the afterburners by adding a Wall Slide, making it more dynamic and challenging. By maintaining constant pressure on the straps and rowing as you come out of the squat, you’re lighting up your backside from hands to heels.
- SF, Straps Mid-Length
- Arms in Y or I, Squat Stance, Maintain good posture and tension back on straps through hands while lowering hips down, Initiate Wall Slide with Scap while simultaneously driving up from the bottom of the Squat with hips.
T-Y Fly Combo
The T-Y Fly Combo should be a staple in your pulling repertoire.
- SF, Straps Mid-Length or Mid-Calf
- Arms in T, Offset Foot Stance to maintain constant tension through ROM, Maintain Plank while decelerating back bringing arms together, Initiate pull with shoulders and back, Pull with straight arms back to T, Alternate between T and Y.
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TRX Power Pull
Buckle up because you’re getting a TRX Training Trifecta with the Power Pull: a fantastic Unilateral Pulling exercise challenging your core and metabolic burn with Rotation and Speed!
- SF, Straps Mid-Length, Single Handle Mode
- Begin in Single Arm Row, Straighten elbow and open shoulders and hips simultaneously. Set Scapula down and then squeeze shoulder blades together to pull out of rotation and finish with Single Arm Row to return, Rotate in a plank and connected torso so hips and shoulders move and work together for effective power transfer.
TRX Pull-up
Feel the burn with a little DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)! The Pull-up is the final exercise, and for good reason: this exercise will revisit you for days after your training if you control the eccentric part of the Pull-up.
- Straps Over-shortened
- Sit under anchor, Set shoulder blades down and then squeeze shoulder blades together to pull up, Resist gravity and decelerate on the way back down by trying to slowly push arms overhead while maintaining active plank and open neck space.
P.S. Get other TRX back exercises straight from the TRX App.

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